Positivitea: Brewed at Home

Positivitea: Brewed at Home

22nd April 2020
Thoughts & Insights

We’ve been trialling new packaging concepts in 3D with purpose. Using gold foils and intricate soft water colour illustrations, we brewed up our very own blend of Positivitea, with the aim of helping you remain positive and grounded during these challenging times.



Filled with packets of positive messages here’s what you’d find in a box of Positivitea. After all, everyone needs a hug in a mug.


BEE YOURSELF (self-compassion goes a long way)

The reality of isolation is quite hard for everyone and with many people finding solace in taking up new hobbies, learning new skills and taking up new classes online, it can be quite easy to put pressure on yourself to always be on the ball and to learn something new. Although this is a great way to use up your time, it doesn’t mean that you should always bring your a-game. It’s ok to have those days where you lie in, where you don’t work out and lay in front of the sofa and indulge a little. We’re going through a pandemic, it’s quite important to remember it’s not a productivity test and to keep your sense of self. There are some great podcasts out there to help guide you i.e. ‘Coping with the Uncertainty’ by Deliciously Ella (listen here).

GROOVE + MOVE (remain active)

We all know that exercise is good for the mind and body and now more than ever it’s important to keep moving. How about setting yourself some challenges, whether it’s hitting 10,000 steps a day, mastering skipping or learning to do a push up, it all counts. There are also some great virtual fitness challenges out there to keep you motivated, for example The Conquerer. In a nutshell you can take on any distanced based challenges (running, walking, riding a bike) in a team or individually to earn event medals – it can be completed in your own time too. Remember, cleaning up after the kids counts as exercise too.

GET UP AND GLOW (set yourself up for the day)

Seek to feel fulfilled at the end of the day and it leaves you in a better place for tomorrow. Lists are a great way of acknowledging achievement, whether it’s keeping track of the simple things, from watering your plants, to ticking off a project at work, it keeps you in check and can help maintain routine. Morning yoga and meditation is a great way to inspire you for the day ahead and achieve clarity. Use the time that you’d normally travel to work to fit it in. A lot of gyms are offering LIVE sessions for free so find one that suits you.

Make sure you check in with your work pals, friends and family. Every day the team takes the time to say morning, something as simple as that goes a long way and sets you up for the day ahead. We’re also partial to hosting quizzes every Friday to keep us all in good spirit (we’re not competitive though, promise) and opening to the doors to the virtual ‘Moon Inn’ for a drink (or 2!).

DREAM AGAIN (looking forward)

Remain optimistic by looking forward and planning things to do once normal reality resumes. Revamp your bucket list, plan future holidays and what you’re going to do with your friends and family and set yourself personal goals for the next 5 – 10 years.

We hope this helps, after all we’re all in this together. Let us know what you think of Positivitea over on social.




Laura Nuttall
Article by Laura Nuttall

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